Brothers and Sisters today we are coming back to France for listening to this newborn band who write to us recently by email. This three headed first EP from our bothers Dahuz are really a killer one!, I introduce you this power trío from southern France who plays a very dynamic heavy riffage with atmospheres from the deep ancient evil mythology. Im going to write first impression words while listening Dahuz EP, so if you still at home, damn! go for a cold beer and listen this full blast on your mother’s stereo. Listen this as you read my words and later read full written interview to know more deeply about Dahuz and their first EP, salud my hermanos!. Miguel Krieg
Hermanos y hermanas primitivos, hoy vamos de vuelta para Francia ?? para escuchar a esta banda nuevecita quien recientemente nos escribió por mail. Este primer EP de nuestros hermanos Dahuz realmente patean cojones!, les presento a este power trío desde el sur de Francia quienes tocan riffs pesados con mucha dinámica y con atmósferas sacadas directamente de la mitología oscura y antigua que titulan estos tres temas. ??Voy a escribir estas palabras a primera impresión mientras escucho este EP, así que si aún siguen en casa, ve por una cerveza bien elodia y escucha esto a volumen alto en el estéreo de tu mamá. Escuchalo mientras lees estas palabras y despues lee la entrevista completa para conocer más a profundidad a Dahuz y su primer EP. salud hermanos! Miguel Krieg.

We are in a golden age for recording and composing music that we always dreamed of, and in the golden years, the powerfull chords and slow music has became an obligated worship on any music lover who says loves heavy real heavy music!. Dahuz is a power trío from Aix En Provence, France, (a little city in southern France), formed by Guillaume Spinetta on drums, Alexandre Culoma on bass and Emmanuel Cadman on guitar and vocals.
For all those motherfuckers who says «You can’t combine heavy with melodic vocals», let me tell you that you are WRONG!, for the first listenings on their first theme song Minos The ancient King of Crete and Judge of the Underworld I get noticed about the melodic cavernous vocals that Dahuz has. This combined by the powerfull repetitive like a mantra heavy riffage disipates all the 7 minute long like water on a hell fire!.
Español: Estamos en una era dorada para grabar y componer nuestra música como nos venga en gana, y en los años dorados, la música con riffs poderosos y lentos se ha vuelto una obligación ser adorada por quien se dice que le gusta la música heavy!, verdadera música pesada. Dahuz es un power trio de Aix En Provencem Francia, (una ciudad pequeña al sur de Francia) formada por Guillaume Spinetta a la batería, Alexandre Culoma en el bajo y Emmanuel Cadman en las voces y guitarra.
Para todos esos hijos de puta que dicen «No puedes combinar pesado y melódico», dejenme decirles que estan equivocados!, a primer escucha en el tema que abre Minos; El antiguo Rey de Creta y Juez del Inframundo!, me dí cuenta acerca de las voces cavernosas y melódicas que Dahuz tiene, esto combinado con los riffs pesados repetitivos como mantra disipan los 7 minutos de duración con que abre el tema!.
The breath on music is so important, not high all damn time but not quiet all time!, just a balance to let the guitar talk about the story of the song
Behemot, the beast of many faces are playing now while I write this words. With a lot of chordal changes the description of this demon beast is honoured by the music!, like the old prog rockers did on their times, now Dahuz play for us a mix of power chords and some changes on atmospheric landscapes with the rythm on the background while Emmanuel plays with his guitar trickery and pedals to show us a old guitar soloing of only about a few notes. The breath on music is so important, not high all damn time but not quiet all time!, just a balance to let the guitar talk about the story of the song, and musical texture of guitar sounds like a cello or like the howl of behemot on their lair of fire and desperation. The variations after the quiet section are about anguish (this emotion show on the guitar sound for me), the mix of the 6th string open and 5th doing the soloing are amazing! You must try to get your own stuff on this simple guitar masterpiece that Emmanuel show to us!.
Behemot, la bestia de muchas caras está sonando ahora mientras escribo estas palabras. Con muchos cambios acordales, la descripción de este demonio bestia es honorada con la música! como los viejos rockeros progresivos lo hicieron en sus tiempos, ahora Dhuz toca para nosotros con una mezcla de acordes de poder y cambios atmosféricos con la base rítmica en el fondo mientras Emmanuel toca sus efectos en conjunto con la guitarra para mostrarnos una textura sonora «antigua» con tan solo unas cuantas notas. La respiración en la música es de gran importancia, no tan alto todo el maldito tiempo ni tan silencioso, un balance debe existir que deje a la guitarra hablar acerca de la historia del tema, y el tono de la guitarra o textura musical suena como un violonchello o como el aullido del mismo Behemot en su guarida de fuego y desesperación. Las variaciones despues de la sección tranquila son angustiantes (por lo menos esa emoción invocan los riffs personalmente hablando), y la combinación de la cuerda 6 al aire y la 5 haciendo los solos son impresionantes! Tu puedes hacer tus mismas combinaciones en esta obra maestra guitarristica sencilla que Emmanuel nos muestra.
For many people a 11 minute song is «too long and boring» those people can go to fuck themselves, this kind of songs are for listening carefully and not to lose any detail, like the closing theme on Behemot, an epic track about a multifaceted beast in a form of progressive rock, playing with changes, doing atmospheres, progressing with chords, sometimes improvising and later closing with the initial theme. The drumming of Guillaume are awesome as much as the bass lines of Alexandre living in a holly entity together with guitarist Emmanuel. Love these palm muted chords closing Behemot!.
Para mucha gente, un tema de 11 minutos es «muy largo y aburrido», para mi esa gente se puede ir a la mierda, este tipo de temas son para escucharse cuidadosamente y no perderse ningun detalle, como la sección con que cierra Behemot; un tema épico acerca de esa bestia infernal en forma de rock progresivo, jugando con cambios, atmósferas, progresando con acordes, aveces improvisando y despues regresando al tema inicial. La batería de Guillaume es sorprendente al igual que las lineas de bajo de Alexandre todos en conjunto en una sola entidad junto con el guitarrista Emmanuel. Me encantan esos palm mutes con que cierra Behemot!.

Sekhmet as arabic variations on their notes, this for a strange way is my favorite theme, I love all stuff doing with arabic and middle east sounds. The bass sounds so liquid! what pedal Alexandre must be using? Talking about the name of the song; the adoration of the sun must return, the pagan deities must return to save our whole planet earth, Sekhmet was an ancient solar deity so the musical context is well worked here by the way, lately I have been thinking about the idea of coming back to a neo paganism as religion, damn we need people who be afraid of nature,
Sekhmet contiene en sus notas variaciones arabescas, este tema por alguna extraña razón es mi favorit, en verdad me gusta mucho todo lo que tenga que ver con sonidos arabes o de medio oriente. El bajo suena líquido!, ¿que pedal estará usando Alexandre?. Hablando acerca del nombre del tema, la adoración al sol debe regresar, las deidades paganas deben regresar para salvar nuestro planeta tierra, Sekhmet era una deidad solar así que el contexto musical está bien trabajado!, por cierto últimamente he estado pensando acerca de la idea de regresar a un neo paganismo como religión, maldición!, necesitamos gente que tema de nuevo a la naturaleza,
Talking about music and dissonance!, dissonance is everything brothers! and of course dynamics!. Not just a bunch of noise and heavy riffage, music must breathe, must guide us
Talking about music and dissonance!, dissonance is everything brothers! and of course dynamics!. Not just a bunch of noise and heavy riffage, music must breathe, must guide us to imagine the ancient egyptian goddess that names the song, music must have reall heavy power and some moments of crescendos and decrescendos like the one in minute 4:00, really loved this song for this detail. Music prepare us for something bigger, maybe guitarist Emmanuel used an octavia pedal I dont know but this mix of combined intervals make more rich and enjoyable the musical landscape of something really big!. Everyone has this natural intuition on music but my friends of Dahuz really dig the big one.This way taken by our brothers Dahuz is a wise desicion!, Would like to hear how the ancient mythology sounds with more heavy riffage stoner doom and progressive elements.
Hablando de música y disonancia, disonancia lo es todo hermanos!, y pos supuesto las dinámicas. No solo un montón de ruido y riffs «heavys», la música debe respirar, debe guiarnos a imaginar el tema que se trate, por ejemplo imaginar a la antigua diosa egipcia que titula el tema, la música debe tener ese poder real y algunos momentos con crescendos y decrescendos como el que sucede en el minuto 4:00, en verdad me encantó ese tema por este detalle simple. La música nos prepara ppara algo realmente grande, tal vez el guitarrista Emmanuel usó un pedal octavador no lo sé pero esta mezcla combinada de intervalos hace más disfrutable el paisaje musical de grandeza. Todos tenemos esa intuición natural en la música pero mis amigos de Dahuz realmente lo hicieron en grande. Este camino tomado por nuestros hermanos de Dahuz ha sido una sabia decisión, me gustaría escuchar más sonidos con mitología antigua ambientados con la pesades del stoner doom y más elementos de rock progresivo.

SP. Could you tell us a short story about the project Dahuz? when and where did you get together?
Dahuz: The idea to create Dahuz was born during summer 2018. Emmanuel and Alex had been jamming for some months with other musicians and they decided to create this project together. We were also already playing with Guillaume in another alternative band so he eventually became the drummer of Dahuz.
SP. From what kind of musical background did you come from?
D: We all come from the rock/metal scene. Stoner and doom were a nice halfway destination so we could blend it all together.
SP. Who are your musical influences?
D: Our major influences are bands like Spaceslug for the atmosphere, Elder for the progressive side and Monolord for the heaviness. There’s also a bit of post-rock influence on Behemoth.
SP. Reading the presskit brief, could you explain what kind of musical simbiosis could happens to make music in a really short time?
D: We think it’s all about the feeling you can get while jamming and exchanging with one another. Sometimes it takes only a few notes and then we just follow the jam train.

SP: Could you tell us about the sound of this EP? Why the mixing between heavy riffage and melodic vocals? It sound really heavy and ethereal!
D: We enjoy creating a wide variety of soundscapes. The heavy riffing is really enjoyable to play loud while the other melodic parts are more about atmosphere like the calm before the storm.
SP: what is the meaning of Dahuz? we are spanish spoken people and really sound so cool!
D: In the French Alps the dahu is a legend about a goat with shorter legs on one side so it can walk along the side of the mountains. Some say that if you’re hunting one you just have to whistle so it turns around and dies by falling down the slope. The Z is to honour the fuzz gods.

SP: what is the concept of the EP? I could see some known names on the songs and I really loved the artwork!.
D: The concept of the Ep is to tell stories through the music but in the ancient way. A long time ago, songs were used to spread words of legend, myths and visions of strange creatures. Minos is the greek king of Crete’s island that became one of the three judges of the underworld. Behemoth is the massive biblical monster announcer of the end of the world. Finally Sekhmet is the egyptian goddess with a head of a lioness, she is known as the desert wind blower. The artwork – made by the talented French artist Jo Riou – depicts Minos shattering the Earth in an «end of the world» way.

Logo by Charlotte Ward
SP: what is the guitar technique used on behemot? the floating notes like a cello are mezmerizing
Emmanuel: Actually it’s just a volume technique I like to use. No particular pedal or equipment needed but a volume pot on a guitar with some lush reverb. I tried to add the same vibrato technique you can observe on a real cello player.
SP: how was the process about composing those songs, did you have improvised parts, do you jam when live or respect the 100% of the song structure?
D: Most of the time, Emmanuel composes the different parts of the songs and then Alexandre and Guillaume add their various interpretations on the said parts. Sometimes a brand new part appears while jamming. Sekhmet’s groove was heavily changed thanks to some jamming sessions for instance.
SP: do you are a amplifier and old gear fetichists? or could you use any instruments and gear (I saw a jcm800 and ampeg on your instagram)?
D: We enjoy gear that suits our various needs. The Marshall JCM800 head is the only real piece of history we own as it dates from 1982. But we wouldn’t say no to some old Sunn, Ampeg or other vintage stuff!
SP: How was the experience of recording in studio? how was working with your label?
D: For now, we’re without a label. We decided to hold the EP in our hands before the very first concert so we dealt with everything ourselves. The recording was an amazing experience at Break the Wall Production in Marseille. We also gave a few headaches to our sound guy who listenend to each and every of our needs.
SP: how are reception from listeners and people? how were your gigs in 2019?
D: We weren’t expecting so much appreciation as Dahuz was literally «born» when the EP was released. Thanks to 666MrDoom’s YouTube channel we’ve received lots of kind words from all over the world. We had the chance to enjoy a few gigs before the pandemic and they were great, we played with some other amazing bands and we felt like our project was finally alive.
SP: what came next for Dahuz, a full album? what are future plans after pandemic oubreak?
D: We are heavily working on a full album for 2021. We’d like to go way beyond what we’ve already done. Surely we will enjoy a few gigs by the end of 2020 depending on the situation.
SP: what do you did in this quarentine? how are things now on france?
D: Well we spent countless hours on our instruments but by ourselves at home. We needed to come back together as a band and play loud. Hopefully now things are getting better as public places are opening up again. People also seem to get back to their usual business now. For the best or the worst we can’t foresee.
SP: could you tell us the top 12 songs that best influences the sound of Dahuz?
So goes the list :
Monolord – Empress Rising
Spaceslug – Living the eternal now
Elder – The Falling Veil
Elephant tree – Wither
Weedpecker – Liquid Sky
Monomyth – Aquilo
Om – Sinaï
Vinnum Sabbathi – Weightlessness
Rezn – Relax
Sleep Dealer – The way home
The Lumberjack Feedback – New Order (of the Ages)
God is an Astronaut – Forever Lost
SP: could you give to us your personal top 5 albums of the moment that you are in love right now?
Our top 5 album :
Elder – Reflections Of A Floating World
Spaceslug – Eye the Tide
Slift – Ummon
Elephant Tree – Habits
Jointhugger – I Am No One
SP: do you share with us a beer and barbecue in mexico or france with a jam sessions in future (I have too a stoner doom band called lysergic funeral)? hahaha really want brothers!!!
D: For sure! Beer, barbecue and Doom metal is our way to go here in the south of France. We’d also love to tour in Mexico some day.